Monday, July 19, 2010

How do I become Me again?

I've been thinking for the past few days about who I want to be. It's all confusing because I feel that since I have been with my husband, I've been less myself. It's something that I haven't wanted to admit, but it's true somewhat. I've gotten lazy in a sense because I felt so secure with him. To be fair, I've also started a business that's taken up all of my time and my work is tiring, so when I'm not working, I'm zoning out in front of the computer. For the past two years, while husband was doing his acting out behaviors, I began to just zone out myself. I'd pour myself a glass of wine and sit in front of the TV in the evening, laptop on lap, semi watching TV, semi surfing the net (for what? I don't know) and semi getting drunk. All of it was shutting me down. We discussed this, husband and I, when all of his SA stuff came to light. I'd be waiting for him in bed, and he wouldn't come in, so I'd take a sleeping pill and pass out with the TV on. If I called for him to come to bed, he got annoyed. So I stopped. It was hard for me to have him so distant and disconnected from me. I was depressed, so I did the only thing that I could think to do, I distanced myself from him. I took wine and sleeping pills and passed out. A few hours later, at 2 or 3am, he'd come into our bedroom, change his underwear and come to bed. When I asked him why he was changing his underwear, he said he had sweaty balls. Yeah right.
Anyway, after all his acting out behaviors came to light, we began to try to do things different. I stopped turning the TV off and realized that I escape too much into the internet. And honestly, I barely look at anything on the internet. I peruse the NY Times, I look at a few gossip blogs, I read about the newest weight loss fad, I look at facebook (which mostly annoys the hell out of me) and I answer work email . I barely answer friend emails because there is this big secret between us. I have been so depressed and isolating from my friends. It's just too much to talk about. Which is so sad because part of me losing me, is me losing my friends. I've been feeling disconnected for quite a while now. Drinking wine at night and watching TV makes me disconnected. The other thing is that I project a perfect life and people think my life is perfect. I thought it was too and now it's all falling apart. I thought it would be awful to let people know that it's not perfect, but it's actually kind of a relief, for those who know. I'm depressed a lot. Not only just because husband is a sex addict, but also because our money situation is bad. We have almost $45,000.00 in debt (this doesn't include a house), we can't seem to get pregnant, and my husband spent two years having cyber sex relationships with woman (or 14 year old boys and old men- who knows) who weren't me, and putting up ads to try and meet up with women who weren't me. THIS IS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT. I am a hot lady. I am sexy, smart and fabulous. I am quite brilliant actually. And, if I might say so myself, I'm pretty fucking hot. In fact, I should go out and make out with a boy the way I used to. But I've not done that in six years. But boy, was it fun when I used to. But husband and I are trying to work through this, and so I can't do those things. As much as I want to.
But I digress.
If I am so fucking fabulous, than why am I sitting around being depressed and surfing the net? I know I said that I used to do that, but I still do that. I'm kind of addicted to the internet. I don't think that blogging counts as internet addiction, because this is me trying to work through my shit. This is positive. Outer circle behavior they'd call it in COSA. If I am so fabulous, why am I stuck in this rut of being depressed that I'm not pregnant, being depressed that my husband did the fucked up shit that he did, being depressed and thinking that I'm fat, ugly, and old (at 36, which I think is not old), and spacing out in front of the internet pretty much all day long. WTF?
Because for some reason, I need to spend hours looking for the perfect tight, bellbottom jeans to squeeze my lovely, curvy ass into. I need to spend an hour a day on the treadmill, I need to look for the best low carb diet to go on so that I can be sexy and skinny for my dipshit husband. I can't even tell you how many times in just the course of writing this post I've gotten up and gone into the refrigerator or looked at Shopstyle
I mean, for real. It's so odd. Husband always told me that he wasn't attracted to other women and didn't even look at attractiveness levels in people and didn't understand it. I sort of thought that he might be on the autistic spectrum. The truth was, he was lying. He was afraid to find people attractive, so he had to take it out on the internet and try to act like a douchy guy on the internet, while I just wanted so badly for him to tell me that I was pretty. He never did. He's trying now. I really began to not like myself. Think I wasn't good enough before I found out about the SA, because he was so neglectful. I kept asking him, "are you not attracted to me?" "I am," he would tell me. He might well have been, but he was getting his needs met somewhere else and I was not getting any needs met, so I met them with wine and ambien. Or unisom.
But now, I have to remember who I am. What do I need? What do I want? Who did I think I was before husband? Who did I think I was before we started trying to have a baby?
I thought I was a writer. But now I no longer write. I thought I had a serious spiritual and meditation practice. Now I don't meditate or do yoga ever. I thought I had a lot of friends. Now, I don't talk to people. WHERE THE FUCK DID I GO? AND HOW DO I FIND MYSELF AND GET MYSELF BACK?

I am not a fucking object full of eggs. I'm an awesome lady with a great ass, exquisite tits, and a sharp as knives wit and a brilliant mind. But I'm wasting all that shit just sitting around doing nothing.

So what do I want?

1.) I want to finish book #2
2.) I want to finish super-secret project that I've been working on for years.
3.) I want to read more.
4.) I want to do projects, like sew clothes and learn to play some musical instruments like guitar and saxaphone and piano.
5.) I want to learn to play tennis for fun
6.) I want to meditate more and pray more and channel more and reestablish my relationship with God as I know her to be.
7.) I want relationship with husband to be kick ass, where we are connected. I know that husband is willing. I am too. But we're so used to being so disconnected that it's tough.
8.) I want to reconnect to friends.
9.) I want to get back into writing short stories and begin to submit them to journals.

How the fuck do I do all this? I certainly have the luxury of time. I don't work a ton, especially now that work is going down hill. I work less than 25-30 hours a week.

I guess that the first part is giving up the disconnecting so that I can connect. Probably that means letting go of wine. Ugh. I can't tell you how many times I've said that. I am so addicted. I am probably an alcoholic. A typical, yuppie, housewife, hyper-functional alcoholic. I use wine to numb me. I don't want to give it up. It's like my best friend. But maybe instead of saying I'm going to give up alcohol, I have to welcome in reconnecting.

Reconnecting means not spending more than one full hour (combined) a day fucking around on the internet. It means not getting sucked into fantasies of winning the lottery or spending a ridiculous amount of time filling out sweepstakes- another one of my addictions. As much as husband would escape into reality, so would I.

So, how do I do this? I guess it starts with my relationship with myself. I think that I start by waking up and meditating in the morning. First things first. Then, perhaps do a little channelling, then make a list of things that I want to accomplish that day, and make time for friends, journal, blog posts, work and play and create some time for other fun things.

I would say that I need to get more into my COSA program, but I'm not really into my COSA program. I am very interested in figuring out my codependent traits, but COSA is triggering all my shit. I feel inferior to a lot of the women in there, like they don't like me and I'm not good enough for them, and superior to others. It's all shit that I need to work through in therapy. I don't know that I want to do 12 steps. If I do, I'll do them with my blog, right here. Not with a sponsor. I can't deal with anyone telling me what to do. I can't deal with character defects. I don't believe in them. I think we're all just works in progress. So, if I can believe that, I can sometimes even feel that way for my husband before I get angry at him for betraying me. But it's all so hard.

Step One. I admit that I am powerless against my need to check out.

Tomorrow morning, meditate, make list. That's it for now.


  1. Sweetie... If I may--- As an older woman here who's been through a lot... Please take these words in the loving spirit in which they are intended. If they don't work for you, that's fine too.

    You are very hard on yourself. (although at the end, I think you did see that too) You have suffered a tremendous trauma. Please allow yourself the time to heal. What if you just gave up all the notions of what you "should" be doing? I mean.. What IF you surfed on the Internet all day long? Drank wine, ate carbs? Who cares? Maybe right now, that's what you need to do. And maybe its all leading you to someplace that you cannot see right now. (the novel that's going to earn you millions?) Who knows? :)I realize that this is a tough concept, but try to trust it, for now.

    Fuck those women at COSA. Trust me, they all have paaaalenty of shit going on even IF it doesn't show up at the meetings. Focus more on your friends who love you and less on your husband's shit. Its his shit, not yours.

    From everything I know, this is all going to take a long time to rectify itself, one way or the other and its very early for you. Fuck the list too. Really. Its not in any way realistic and just a set up for even more depression.

    When my autistic son was very young, a wise friend with THREE autistic children, told me to pick one behavior to work on. Just one. So, I'd pick the worst one and deal with that one thing and lo and behold, when we cleared up the one nightmare thing, the effects of that spilled over into other areas as well. It was miraculous and I've seen it happen over and over again.

    BTW, you sound hot. I am jealous of your tits, lol. Your husband is sick. Its not about you. I know its so difficult to understand, because it feels so personal. How can it not be? But, he's sick.

    He's sick.

    Do you have your own therapist? I find it to be so helpful.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have found that telling my closest friends and relatives has been helpful for me. Everyone told me that no matter what choice I made I had their support. It was very liberating for me. I felt that this illness of my SA husband's was his shame to bear not mine. I also didn't like the idea of hiding and lying about who I am. So, from the beginning I have been really vocal about this issue.

    A funny and sad thing happened because of it. Women that I knew directly or indirectly started crawling out of the woodwork. Each with their own personal horrors about abusive men. All are smart, beautiful women, all had more going for them than their lousy partners, their ages ranged from 27 to 39 and their geography ranged from Atlanta, GA to Munich, Germany. Six months after my D-day, one of my very best friends discovered that her husband of 2 weeks was also a SA. Of course, it was awful to know that there is so much shit and pain out there, but it did make me feel good to be able to be there for my friends and point them in the right direction.

    Also, I totally get the losing yourself thing. I do it too. In fact, I think I've done it in every romantic relationship I've ever had. I seem to expect too little from my partner, expect too much from myself and along the way lose the things I liked about myself. I definitely tend to isolate myself and lose motivation to spend time with my friends.

    To answer your question about what will help you get through this. I suggest going to a doctor and getting some anti-depressants, spend time with good girlfriends, and do some fun things for yourself. I get a glimpse of who I am from laughing with my girlfriends, pursuing things I once enjoyed and even just blasting the stereo as I drive down the road.
    All of this takes time. The first six months are the hardest, Your feelings will ping pong back and forth so much that you will feel crazy. Nothing makes this easy, but friends, drugs and time help.

    I would also like to add that I am 33 (my best friend 34) and we too feel the baby clock ticking. Knowing that the dream of having children with my husband was just another thing that he screwed up was a bitter pill to swallow. However, when I really think about it I am grateful that we haven't yet had children. I don't think I want his children anymore. I don't think that he is ready and knowing that I have lost myself somehow, well then, I am not ready either. Babies will or won't happen for me. I can't control the future. However, worse case scenario, I adopt. Besides, Nancy Grace had twins at 52. 52 isn't the ideal when we plan to have children, but it is possible and that extra time helps me to have some breathing room to take care of me until the time and opportunity presents itself.
    I know this is a crazy, awful, painful and sad time for you. I hate it for you. I just want you to know that you are not alone in experiencing this pain. I hope that one you and your amazing tits can go on wit yer bad self.
    Lots of love,

  4. Lexie, thanks for your comments. You are always so loving, sweet and thoughtful in your comments and insight. They make me feel protected and cared for. I agree, I am very hard on myself. But right now, I think I'm trying to me more gentle with me. It's not that I think that I "should" be doing these things, it's more that I'm ready. I can only take so long being stuck before the depression begins to build on itself. I don't let myself get stuck in a depression loop. If I stayed without movement, it would continue to build on itself and make it harder to come out.
    Sam, Thanks so much for sharing your experience, especially about the baby stuff. It IS so hard, isn't it, but Nancy Grace! I didn't know that. It's certainly encouraging.
